This is totally cool. There’s a new movie coming out called A Scanner Darkly that’s based on the novel by science fiction writer Philip K. Dick. He’s the same mind that brought us The Minority Report and the classic Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep? (upon which Blade Runner was based). A Scanner Darkly is written and directed by Richard Linklater and, like his previous Waking Life, is done using the animated technique called rotoscoping.
Anyone who knows me knows I love animation and this movie looks awfully cool. The movie has the same Grand Theft Auto look of the recent Charles Schwab television commercials and that’s probably because it looks like Linklater got Bob Sabiston, the animator who worked on both Waking Life and the Schwab commercials, to work on A Scanner Darkly. Watch the trailer below or use this link for a longer trailer in QuickTime format–it’s worth the download time.
Technorati tags: a scanner darkly | philip dick | philip k dick | the minority report | do andriods dream of electric sheep | blade runner | richard linklater | waking life | slacker | animation | rotoscoping | charles schwab commercial | bob sabiston | movie | movies | film | science fiction | sci fi