
Awesome Nonchalant Foul Ball Catch By Fan

August 21, 2010

Don’t you wish you were this smooth?

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Hitler Freaks Out That Favre Signs With Vikings

August 20, 2010

Hitler can’t believe Brett Favre signed with the Minnesota Vikings.

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Brett Favre – The Indecision

August 20, 2010

A video remix of Brett Favre’s retirement news conference set to music. Hilarious.

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Hilarious Photoshopped Celebrity Hair Gallery

July 30, 2010

A gallery of hilarious images of celebrities with photoshopped hair.

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The “Dislike” Stamp

July 12, 2010

For all of you who have an urge to express your social media sentiments in an old school fashion.

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Video Game Medals

May 20, 2010

What if you could have an actual pin-on medal for your video game accomplishments?

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Scott Van Pelt Annoys Joe Mauer

May 6, 2010

Scott Van Pelt has lunch with Minnesota Twins star, The Fragile One (a.k.a. Joe Mauer), but Scott can’t get anything right when talking to a true Minnesotan.

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Super Mario Brothers Crossover

May 2, 2010

A reprogrammed flash version of the entire original Super Mario Bros. NES game that you can play as Mario, Mega Man, Link from Zelda, Simon from Castlevania, or Samus from Metroid, complete with customized attributes, special moves, and music for each character.

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Is Anyone Else Struck By How Much Dave Foley Looks Like Lindsey Graham?

May 1, 2010

Dave Foley & South Carolina Senator Lindsey Graham: Separated at birth?

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Ron Gardenhire On Umpires’ Blown Call Of Denard Span’s Catch

April 29, 2010

This is classic Ron Gardenhire. Be sure to watch about halfway through when he comments on the umpire’s blown call on the catch Denard Span made last night that would probably have ended the inning which turned the game in the Tigers’ favor.

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