Twin Cities Minnesota Blog

Palin Wordplay

September 7, 2008

Make a few simple alterations to Sarah Palin’s name and what do you get?

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Ron Paul Book Signing/Rally At Rosedale Mall

September 2, 2008

I stumbled into a Ron Paul rally at Rosedale Mall Monday afternoon. There were a lot of people there. Long lines snaked the length of the mall on both sides waiting to get their books signed at the Borders bookstore there.      

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A Bowl Of Cherries Today

August 29, 2008

I’m still warmed by the afterglow of Barack Obama’s acceptance speech. It wasn’t his most inspiring speech but I was still moved by the historical moment.

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Al Franken To The Swift Boaters: Checkmate

August 13, 2008

There are plenty of reasons to be critical of the campaign Al Franken has run to date, but his latest TV ad is not one of them.

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Bush Tours America To Survey Damage Caused By His Presidency

July 30, 2008

President George W. Bush tours American in the wake of his disastrous rule.

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Another Twin Cities Bridge Crumbling

July 26, 2008

I-35E was shut down for several hours Saturday after at least two large chunks of concrete fell from an overpass onto the road and struck a vehicle.

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Sorry For The Mess

July 18, 2008

This experience has taught me how much of a pain in the ass transferring a blog from TypePad to WordPress really is.

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Hit Or Miss

April 6, 2008

Photo of the smoking section of the Leaning Tower of Pizza with patrons engaged in conversation.

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All Of A Sudden, You’re A Photographer?

April 1, 2008

I broke down and got myself a Canon PowerShot SX100 IS from I’ve been telling my friends, beware the recently converted because when I get into something, I tend to jump in with both feet.This is no exception.

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Economic Populist Mike Huckabee

January 26, 2008

Mike Huckabee is the only Republican who gets that the economy is a disaster for most people. Watch a clip of him discussing the issue during a recent Republican presidential debate.

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